church connect

My Church Resources

Baby Dedication

Baby dedication is a beautiful moment when families gather to express their commitment to raising a child in faith and love..

Baby Naming

Baby naming is a cherished tradition where a child receives a meaningful name, representing their identity in Christ.

House Dedication

House dedication is a special ceremony where a home is blessed, symbolizing a new chapter of love, warmth, and memories.


Evangelism, inspired by Jesus, is the heartfelt mission to share His transformative message of love, hope, and redemption with all people.

Career Development

Career development is a lifelong journey of growth, learning, and exploring opportunities to reach one's fullest professional potential.

Wedding Ceremony

A Godly wedding ceremony is a joyous celebration where two hearts unite, surrounded by love, vows, and divine blessings.

Foundational Class

Foundation class is an enriching experience where individuals build a strong spiritual and biblical foundation for their faith journey.

Baptismal Class

Baptismal class is a transformative experience where individuals deepen their understanding of faith and prepare for their sacred baptismal ceremony.

Thanksgiving Celebrations

Thanksgiving celebrations are a time of gratitude and gathering, where hearts overflow with gratitude & appreciation for blessings recieved from God